Sandbaggers Anonymous

For Golfers and non golfers. Sandbagging isn't just a golfing set of tricks.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

LG Skins game and the "Grand slam" TV Coverage

Part of the fun of watching the Skins Game is hearing the banter between the players and you just know that John Daly, Freddy Couples, Fred Funk, and Stephen Ames would have some fun. The players don't wear microphones at other PGA events.
Unfortunately, the commentators talked so much, that I couldn't hear what the players were saying. Surely the commentators wear headsets and realize we viewers want to hear what the players are saying.

Loved the remote controlled golf ball chasing John Daly on the putting green!

Grand Slam of golf. 4 players. Just four! Coverage in my area was tape delayed, by about 3 days. So how come the TV coverage showed 3 of the 4 players teeing off and went to commercials! The next shot was watching the 4th player hit his second shot.

These TV directors ought to take a lesson from the coverage of the LPGA ADT Championship. 8 players on the final day and the coverage was fabulous.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Monkey Golf rules

A little while ago, I said I'd post Monkey Golf rules.

Tom on describes "Hell day"

Have a look at his game plan.


My book travels more than I do

In the last couple of weeks I found out that my golf novel, "Confessions of a Sandbagger" has been on the move.
and I do mean moving.

In August a golfing acquaintance said he won a copy of my book liked it so much he took two (count 'em) 2 copies to South Africa.

On November 4, a gentleman told me he'd seen my book on "Breakfast Television" a Canadian morning (CTV) show. And he said he saw also it on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)

On November 15, another gent told me he'd seen my book on "Breakfast Television".

Also today a reader and avid fan said " I took your book to the island of St. Martin and let a lot of people read it. I brought it home to Toronto."

Here's the thing...
I've never been to South Africa.
I've never been to St. Martin.
I've never been on Breakfast TV
I've never been on the CBC radio or tv.

My book "Confessions of a Sandbagger" travels more than I do!

Check the reviews on

Oh, gotta tell you this, when I contacted the CBC radio, The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) a show that 'talks about Canadian literary events' the producer said, "oh we only showcase international authors." (I'm Canadian). eh?

But sales were really happening on and last week!